How To Create a World in Minecraft Pocket Edition
If you want to create a world in Minecraft Pocket Edition.
These are the following steps to create a world in Minecraft Pocket Edition.
Step 1
Open Minecraft
Go to the Main Menu
When you go to the Main Menu you can see three option
Step 2
Click on the (Play) Button
When you click on the (Play Button) You Can See an Option to Create New.
Step 3
Click on the “Create New” Button
Then You can again see “Create New World” again tap on it.
Now you can see this Screen
Now you can name your “world” as you want, Then Select game mode “Survival Mode” or “Creative Mode”
Then Set the Difficulty as you wish “Normal Mode” “Peaceful Mode” “Hard Mode” or “Adventure Mode”
You can select “World Type” also
“Infinite World”
“Flat World”
Now click on the “Create Button”
That's it your Minecraft world is ready now enjoy your world.
For more detailed “How to create a world in Minecraft”
Watch this short guide video.
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